İstanbul’un duvarlar Çerkes Soykırımı’nın mağdurlarının, mağdur yakınlarının sesleri ile 153 sene önce çınlamıştı. 153 sene sonra da
2014 Winter Olympic games will be handled on the land of Circassian Genocide, Sochi. We tried to stop them, we couldn’t. Now, we try to
After 149 years of ignoring the genocide against the Circassian people, Russia is preparing to host the winter Olympic Games in Sochi a year from
A history and travelogue that features great suffering and some remarkable people. There is a passage in Oliver Bullough’s book that so
Charges of genocide a century and a half ago could haunt Russia as it holds its first post-Soviet Olympics in Sochi, former capital of forcibly